How to STOP Worrying about EVERYTHING (with these 3 simple Questions)

Have you ever caught yourself trapped in a worry cycle? Where one worry thought leads to another thing that you need to worry about, and then the next thing you know you're worried about the fact that you are worried? Welcome to the club. As someone who has struggled with anxiety for pretty much my whole life, I've had the honor of truly seeing God bring healing and restoration to my mind when it comes to worry. As I've studied the scriptures for years on this topic, I've learned three important questions to ask yourself when you feel worried that can help you to reframe your thinking to get off the crazy cycle of worry and experience God's joy and peace. I’m sharing those three questions with you in this video. Enjoy!

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • The ONE thing that always traps us in a worry cycle.
  • How Jesus teaches us to reprogram
  • our thinking to worry less.
  • 3 simple questions that can calm your anxieties.