When Your Dream Feels Impossible

Everyone loves the idea of receiving a God-sized dream—a calling from God that excites us to do and be more. With those dreams, comes the weight of seeing them through, waiting for them to come to pass, and the work of executing the vision God has given us. It’s exciting, but it’s not always easy. In today’s video, I will share five essential steps to take when God gives you a dream that feels too big for you to handle so you can walk in your calling with clarity, confidence, and the power of God. Stay tuned!
I remember when God gave me the vision for Beloved Women to have an app. This was around 2009 or 2010. I remember thinking that it seemed so huge and far away. Why would God put that idea in my head? I didn’t know anything about app development. I was still working at the U.S. Department of State at the time and studying in seminary. The thought of having an app felt so big and out of reach, but it wasn’t too big for God. In 2017, we launched our Beloved Women app, which is still going strong today and serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness in seeing through the plans He places in our hearts.
So, I want to ask you: Has God ever given you a vision or dream that seemed too big or too good to be true? It can be intimidating, but we know that God will finish what He starts.
In today’s video, you’ll learn:
- What to do when you feel like the dream God has given you is too big to handle.
- Five practical steps you can take to trust God with that big dream so you don’t get stuck or frozen.
- What you must remember to see God’s vision come to pass.
1. Don’t Try to Figure It All Out At Once. Focus on the First, Next, and Right Step
When God gave me the vision to start a Beloved Women app, my mind immediately tried to figure out every step I needed to take, and the financial and technical resources I needed. That's where I fell short. I didn’t have all the resources or the knowledge at that time. I felt stuck because I was focused on what I didn’t have to accomplish what God was trying to do through me.
The first step when God gives you a big dream is not to figure it all out at once. Be faithful with what God has given you now and focus on the next right step. Maybe you need to write an outline for your book and not the whole thing, or you may need to research how to start a business. Perhaps you need to start saving a little each month. God’s vision is always bigger than what we can see, and we won’t have all the pieces right away. But our responsibility is to trust God with what we have now. What does that look like for you?
2. Know That God Will Do What You Can’t. God Equips the Called
While we do what we can, we must trust that God will do what we cannot. When God gives us a dream, He doesn’t expect us to accomplish every single detail on our own. There are parts of the vision that only God can bring to fruition.
We often try to run ahead of God, only to hit a wall because we’re moving before it’s time. If God is not in it, it’s not going to happen. Release what you don’t know and trust that God will provide what you can’t. Remember, it’s not about the dream—it’s about staying focused on God, who will see the vision through as we steward what He has given us.
3. Pray Over Every Aspect
It’s easy to get so caught up in the dream or goal that we take our eyes off of God, the One who gave us that dream in the first place. We can even turn our dreams into idols when we try to fulfill them ourselves without involving God. That’s the fastest way for dreams to die because God will not allow us to worship the dream over Him.
Make sure you’re prayerful over your dreams, goals, and plans. This keeps our hearts focused on God and gives us peace when things get tough. Proverbs tells us that while we make plans, it’s God’s purpose that prevails. While plans may not always go as expected, we can trust that God’s purpose will always succeed.
4. Remember: The Dream Is God’s, Not Yours
It’s also important to remember that the dreams and plans God gives us are His, not ours. Beloved Women doesn’t belong to me—it’s entrusted to me by God. When I realized this, it took so much pressure off of me. I’ve seen so many ministries start and stop over the past ten years, but the only reason Beloved Women is still here is because it’s God’s dream, not just mine.
When you truly grasp that the calling God has placed on your life is His, it gives you peace and freedom. You don’t have to strive or hustle to make things happen. If it’s God’s will, it will be done.
5. Ask for Help
When God gives you a dream bigger than you can handle, it’s easy to believe the lie that you have to do it all on your own. That’s not true. Ask for help. God will align people in your life to help you carry the vision to pass. You need to be humble enough to seek them out.
Moses had Aaron as he was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Noah had his sons to help him build the boat.. David had Jonathan on his side. Focus on the people that God has strategically placed in your life to help you with the dream He’s given you.
Beloved Women isn’t a one-woman show. We have donors, staff, volunteers, and an incredible prayer team that has been faithfully praying since 2016. All of you, my Beloved sisters, help move the vision forward when you like, share, and support. The same is true for your dream. God will send you the help you need to carry His vision to pass. Just make sure you’re in a humble position to receive it.
As you make your plans to pursue those God-given dreams, it is key to keep God first. So, I invite you to watch this video, where I share my four-step process for purposeful planning.
For more encouragement, download my free Bible Study, “Worry-Free,” to learn the three lies feeding your worry and the truth that sets you free at belovedwomen.org. Thanks for watching, and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and be beloved.